I put them all in a multidimensional array, randomized them, and replaced the markers with strings to make a copy. advertisement Continue reading below We also compared the edit distance to other versions of the generated content and spit out only at least 70% unique versions. This was in 2007, before the update of the algorithm named after the animal appeared, so the tactics worked magically. Not surprisingly, the SEO community is full of very smart people who have already reached this same conclusion without the help of nerdy wrappers. Some of the SEOs I currently call friends have made more sophisticated implementations of this using
Markov chains and variants at the word and phrase level. I later learned that there are programs that do this using so-called "spin tax", as shown below. Blog_Images_Code_Quote This tactic is known as content spinning. advertisement Continue reading below Often used in someone else's article to duplicate an existing article by simply changing the word. The rotating content as I explained above is in the tactical bucket that people refer to when talking Real Estate Photo Editing about "SEO content". It tends to be very keyword rich and repetitive and is not generally intended for human consumption. In many cases, people don't check the output before publishing, so the content may even make no sense. Neither "SEO content" nor content spinning is my recommended tactic. However, in reality, many e-commerce sites have seen significant improvements in organic search traffic with madlib copies and duplicate content. In the graph below, the awareness of large e-commerce sites is increasing.
The green line shows all the visibility of the organic search. The light blue line shows the visibility of the directory that contains only duplicate content. After expanding a few statements in the madlibbed copy, these lines approach each other. E-commerce site visibility example If you've done SEO on large, authoritative websites, you know that just following best practices can be a loss of opportunity. advertisement Continue reading below However, this works so well that it's worth considering a much better way to generate more practical content for your users. Please enter GPT-2 Natural language generation was what we wanted when content spinning grew. There are still tools called natural language generation tools, like RosaeNLG, but they are just great content spinners.